Hello Friends I am Ashfak. Welcome to SEO learning. Today we discuss about How to get approve Google Adsense form Google. Google Adsense is a very sencetive add network. But we can earn a passive incume from google adsense, using your blog, website and any kinds of online content.
So, Lets discuss about Get approved Google AdSense account apply from Google Adsense. Before apply adsense we must conscious about 10 information That's help you to approve Google Adsense. Let's discuss about 10 information.
1. Unique Articles: You must have fresh and unique articles on your blog or web site. Avoied copy content from other website or book. You can follow articles from other book's and website and understand them first, and write on your own way. This content must be unique, read smooth, understandable and more importent is it's easy to read. A good article is requare free from spelling mistake. Read one more time to confirm about your article spelling befour publish your article. On your article you must follow word per article, It's need up to 300 words. Standerd word per article is 300 to 1000 word per article. Never write repeted word to boost your aerticle Onpage SEO. An unique article is first condition to approve Google Adsense Account.
2 Number Of Post: Number of post is basic condition to approve google adsense account, here's minimum 60 post need to approve your google adsense account. If you have more post it's make good chance to approve your google Adsense.
So, number of quality aericle is more valuable part to get approve your google adsense account.
3. Domain Age: Doamin age is key factor to approve your google adsense account. Make this domain age Minimum 5 to 7 months for increase traffic and get more article on this domain or website. In this time we can done Offpage SEO for our site to get more unique and targeted visitor for our site. Google need targeted visitor for adsense account.
4. Premium Domain name: To get approve Google adsense you must have Premium Domain Name or address. You must purchese domain like this www.admashost.com or www.best-guidance.com. No subdomain like http://einsurancehelp.admas.com or like this this type of doamin are not suitable for adsense.

5. Site Design: To get approve Google Adsense account you must have good design web or blog site. Your web or blog site must properly design. You have menu bar, side bar and must have footer on your blog or web site. Overall visitor fill comfort to visite your blog and find desaired link on your blog.
6. Article content: Your web or blog article content is very importent to get approve Google Adsense account. Google not allow any type of pornography, drugs ads, sexual item and promotion, terrorism related content or article.
7. Site Verification: Site verification is very important to approve Google Adsense. Befoure you apply google adsense account you must verify your site in google webmaster tools and use google analytic code to your blog header tag.
Without site verification google will not verify your site for google adsens account.
8. Avoied Earning and Selling Offer: When you write your web content and web steucture you can't use any link of offer like Earning and Selling Offer and also any kind of add code like CPC, PPC, CTC ads. Google service is very much professional so they can detect it smoothly.
9. Age: Age is very important for any kind of online account. Adsense not different here, you must have 18+ years old for apply google adsense account. Otherwise google not approve your account.
10. Address & personal details: You must write proper Address & personal details. If you fulfill all requirements then you may apply. Then you Provide your proper personal information and details otherwise your Dreams may not comes true.
My personal suggestion for you. After you get Adsense account approval, then never click your own adsense add. Never use your adsense account create email here and their. keep your email account safe.
If your account not approve don't apply with in short time google count you as a spammer. If your application rejected then google sent you a massage where google tell you about rejection, then correct your blog rejection cause. and apply again.
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Great post full of useful tips! My site is fairly new and I am also having a hard time getting my readers to leave comments. Analytics shows they are coming to the site but I have a feeling “nobody wants to be first”.
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